
Reality Woman is my name. Wonder Woman is my avatar.

I’m a nurse with a Masters of Science in Health Informatics and I blog about my TYPE I DIABETES to channel my energy into positivity. I am proactive, health conscious, and passionate about inspiring and helping people who live with diabetes. My goal is to create a meaningful platform for discussion to help motivate people living with diabetes to stay focused and on top of their game.

A most impressive achievement I will share with you is…I ran over 20 marathons and half-marathons during my 20s and 30s and yes, I carried my glucose meter and insulin with me along the way…I even qualified for and ran the Boston Marathon while in nursing school in 2004. I am very excited to merge the two skill sets from my nursing and informatics background for the purpose of helping people manage their health – – especially people who live with diabetes.

One quirky fact about me: I love dark chocolate (90% and above) with sea salt and, a hot cup of red refresh herbal tea – – a zesty blend of hibiscus, lemongrass, peppermint, orange peel and wild cherry bark…let the chocolate melt in my mouth…it’s one combo that doesn’t seem to affect my blood glucose!

By Reality Woman

I'm a proactive, health conscious author writing to inspire people living with diabetes who seek a supportive and meaningful platform for discussion.