A Nearly Perfect Day

I woke up to an awesome blood sugar of 85…so awesome. However, prior to that, I had to deal with a high during the early morning hours from 1-2AM…brought it back down, then had to deal with the low – – swing high, swing low, just get back to normal! It was the pancakes I had for dinner, slowly digesting in my diabetic gut…

At the same time, this morning was sooo good. About 1 1/2 hours after breakfast, my glucose level read 125 mg/dL on the continuous glucose monitor (CGM), so I decided to go out for a run. Although I have been told to get the glucose level to 140 – 150 mg/dL before exercise, look what happened a few days ago when I was 145 before the run and the glucose continued to rise…My intuition kicked in, I grabbed 3 GUs, and headed out! My Android and CGM receiver in hand, I knew this morning was going to be off to a positive, healthy start.

What a beautiful, perfect morning run I had. It was warm, sunny, and breezy. I tracked my glucose levels throughout the entire run and, they were GREAT – – ranging from 83 – 125 mg/dL. I did have to consume one GU during the run – – chocolate GU that is – – my favorite. One GU = 20 grams of carbs – – enough to raise the glucose. I always bring 2 – 3 chocolate GUs, just in case, because ya never know…always be prepared. How great it was to have consistent, normal glucose levels before, during and, after the run, all throughout the day! Yay! I love when I have days like this…makes me feel normal, makes me feel very, very good…like a nearly perfect day.

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By Reality Woman

I'm a proactive, health conscious author writing to inspire people living with diabetes who seek a supportive and meaningful platform for discussion.