How much do you just love it when the weather is gorgeous? Sun shining, perfect temperature, breeze is just right…this morning it was exactly that! This morning was a, Sunshine Sunday! I really love days like today…knowing it was low-tide, I had a hunch the run this morning would be really enjoyable.
During low-tide, it is for the most part, the perfect time to run…the sand is just right – – firm yet, not too firm to create impact. As I ran, horizontal to the ocean waves, exfoliating my feet in the sand as I kept moving, I felt a more peaceful presence along the way. Ocean waves, breezy air, along with the sunshine rays – – so gorgeous, so beautiful. Even better, my glucose levels remained steady and in the normal range. Don’t you just love when that happens? I certainly do. Do you have a story to tell about a Sunshine Sunday?